KELLER Pressure 20SX – Piezoresistive Pressure Transmitter Heads With the Highest Level of Accuracy

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06. febrero 2025

The KELLER Pressure 20SX series pressure transmitter heads with thread connection were specially designed and optimised for OEM applications. The pressure transmitter head is a hybrid of the 20S pressure transmitter and KELLER Pressure X-line electronics. This combination means the highest level of accuracy, extraordinary long-term stability and an equally high proof pressure can be achieved.

Features that many pressure transmitter manufacturers offer only as optional extras come as standard with KELLER Pressure products. Along with a compact, fully welded design, the 20SX series also boasts highly precise and scaleable digital compensation electronics. Unwanted inaccuracies, including thermal inaccuracies, can be minimised or compensated for using a mathematical model. The result is maximum accuracy and an extremely narrow TEB (total error band).

With the 20SX series, KELLER Pressure is now offering a further design in the OEM product range for the industrial, oil and gas sectors.

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